Outdoor pool area & Hotel exterior at True Blue Bay Resort

Direct Booking Benefits

Why Book Directly With Us

True Blue Bay Boutique Resort in Grenada offers guests numerous benefits when booking directly with the resort, including complimentary airport pickup, a House of Chocolate Tour, prioritized check-in, early check-in & late check-out, the ability to book now and pay later, and a guarantee of the lowest rate. These benefits enhance the overall vacation experience and provide guests with the ultimate luxury getaway. Booking directly with True Blue Bay Boutique Resort is the best way to fully experience all that this exceptional resort has to offer.

Vector icon of a Free Beach Transfer at True Blue Bay Hotel

Complimentary Airport Pick-ups

To ensure a smooth start to their vacation, guests should request airport pick-ups during the booking process rather than on the same day of arrival. The resort's friendly staff will meet and transport guests to the resort upon their arrival, providing a hassle-free experience. Pick-ups are available daily between the hours of 5 AM - 11 PM. 

(Must book at least 24 hours in advance)

Vector icon of a 24/7 Front Desk at True Blue Bay Hotel

Prioritized Check-in

Direct bookings receive prioritized check-in, allowing guests to start their vacation as soon as possible and skip the lines.

Vector icon of a Restaurant at True Blue Bay Hotel

Daily Breakfast

This benefit provides guests with a complimentary breakfast for each day of their stay, which includes a variety of delicious options to choose from. By booking directly with the resort, guests can take advantage of this benefit and enjoy a stress-free morning routine during their stay.

Vector icon of Dollar Sign at True Blue Bay Resort

Guarantee Lowest Rate

The resort offers a Best Rate Guarantee, ensuring that guests receive the lowest rate possible when booking directly with the resort.

Vector icon of a Bakery at True Blue Bay Hotel

House of Chocolate Tour

As part of the direct booking benefits, guests are treated to a tour of the famous House of Chocolate, where they can learn about the history and production of chocolate in Grenada.

(Must book 24 hours in advance, subject to availability)

Vector icon of a concierge at True Blue Bay Hotel

Early Check-in & Late Check-out

Direct bookings also offer early check-in and late check-out, giving guests more time to relax and enjoy the resort's amenities.

(Subject to availability)